Hannah in the River
Hello all, it has been a while!
I have really missed writing you and I am so glad to be back. Over the last month I have been busy putting the final touches on my new website, and that unfortunately didn’t leave any time for newsletter writing. But it was well worth it! I now have a stunning new home on the web, designed by talented Della Mueller!
I couldn’t be happier with it, and its completion means that at long last I can step away from Instagram, as I have been planning for so long! Last night I set up an auto-reply for DMs through Meta Business Suite (which feels a bit ironic because it’s a different way of depending on a company that I do NOT trust—but it also makes the transition feel less scary) and this morning I finally logged out indefinitely. HOORAY!
I will be writing more soon about the next steps of my Instagram-free business journey, but for now I will leave it there, because I’d like to spend the remainder of this email sharing some new work with you all!
During the height of spring I got to do an amazing session with Hannah to celebrate her birthday. We shot at one of my favorite spots in the PNW—along the shore of the Snoqualmie River in North Bend. We had an incredible time and Hannah even got ALL the way in the icy cold water for our last couple of shots! Here are just a few of my favorites from that evening.
Hannah is a lighting designer and she told me she was particularly excited to play with light and shadows in her photos, which of course I was thrilled to hear. Whenever clients bring their own interests and creativity to the process, that is what makes the results REALLY shine. I love what we created together!
Thank you as always for reading. I hope your season is starting out well, wherever you are! And I want to extend a HUGE welcome to the new subscribers who have joined up recently—I’m very glad you’re here.
Until next time,