Lauren & Willow

Hello lovely readers! 

I hope the first half of July has treated you well. I am currently sitting in apark near Rigby’s preschool soaking in the sights and smells of summer. For the first time in as long as I can remember, I am actually enjoying the hot sunny days instead of just getting overheated and overstimulated. That is a big shift for me as someone who has always preferred cold and gray. I don’t know exactly what changed, but it is very nice to enjoy what is instead of wishing for something else.

I am relishing not being on Instagram—no surprise there! I have not seen any noticeable downturn in photoshoot inquiries, there are just more people finding me on Google instead of IG. I am working with an SEO expert right now on how to make it even easier for people to find me on search engines, but that will take time. In the meantime I am enjoying being part of the Off the Grid Clubhouse on Substack and rereading Liz Migliorelli’s recent newsletter about her own exit from Instagram. I am trying to have a slower summer and being off IG has definitely helped. I even put away my quilting supplies for the time being so that I don’t feel the pressure to fit that in. Summer usually tends to be a time of doing too much and so I am trying to do the exact opposite this time by just focusing on stillness.

I’ve been very excited to share a recent family shoot that really captures the feeling of a sprawling childhood summer. Lauren and Willow love to go to the creek together to catch minnows and I got to photograph them on what is a typical weekend morning for them, walking through the woods and playing in the water. It was such a lovely time and I am so pleased to share what we created!


I really cherish how their love for each other shows through so clearly in these. There is just something so rich, so textured, and so true feeling about moments captured on film.

Until next time,


Rachel in Roses


Hannah in the River